I decided that now was an appropriate time to make my first short story available on e-readers. So I did.
Perhaps it isn’t surprising that rather than a sense of achievement I feel as though I’m foolish instead. Indeed, it’s not as though there is anything really to mark my work as being all that different to anyone else’s. Depression is always quick to smother any illusion of achievement or pride.
I should be proud of my work.. I am, really. I thing From Orbit is quite well written and, if bleak, I think some might find it moving. I just find it such a struggle to be positive about it all.
I’m trying though. This short story is just the first step in my career as an author. That’s what I’m trying to tell myself anyway.
I feel so weak.. But… Perhaps in reading this you find some measure of hope you can hold on to. Perhaps in reading this you realise that you aren’t alone.