Tag Archives: planning

To Business!

“Oh, sorry, I thought you were proposing a toast..” – Ford Prefect.

So.. yeah; things have been quiet on the blog front for a while :oops: but that’s because fun and interesting and.. erm.. <_<  scary.. things have been happening.

To cut to the chase – I’ve decided to make Lair of the Nerd a business – it’s what I’m doing to try and make a living from now onwards.  O_O

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Another Novel Update

Planning ahead is something some authors find hinders them, and restricts their characters, and prefer to just write from the beginning through to the end with only a light hand on the tiller.

Myself, I am not one of those authors; I prefer to make sure I have a plan as well-defined as I can have from the start, and I would be surprised if most authors did not have at least some kind of pre-defined plan, even a loose one.  I find it hard to imagine how anyone could produce anything coherent without one.

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